For more information on any events above, please call us at 941.737.9928
Brian Royer
Lead Pastor
Brian Royer and his wife Paula are the founding pastors of Passion Church located in Parrish, Florida. They previously pastored City Life Church in Bradenton, Florida since 1997, and have planted three churches and helped support 60 missionaries.
He and Paula have been married for over 35 years and have three daughters and nine grandchildren.
Pastor Brian has a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Theology and is an Ordained Minister in the Assemblies of God.​
Our Motto: His purpose is our passion!

Paula Royer
Worship Director
Paula has been working alongside Pastor Brian since the start of their ministry. She has a desire to see women set free through the blood of Jesus. Paula has always been passionate about worshiping God through music and song.

Zane & Karen Elliott
Executive Pastor

Samantha Ward
Childrens Director

Brandon Gaitanis
Creative Director